Looking to smooth those tiny imperfections, wrinkles or creases?
Lines on your face are hard to face, but there they are. Everywhere it seems. And you’re not happy. You feel like aging is taking its toll. Time to inject something new into your beauty regime. That’s where Dermal Fillers come in. At Audace Medical Spa, our experienced estheticians will help you determine which injectable is right for removing your lines. We say which, because there are different injectables for different problem areas. And different injectables for lines that are deeper, more resistant or have been there longer. All our Injectables are safe and FDA approved. Each works wonders, the restored volume resulting in a natural, more youthful-looking you.
Areas that are typically treated with Dermal Fillers include:
Additionally, we provide B-12 Energy Shots which are purported to enhance mood, increase energy levels, and enhance fat loss. As well as Hyperhidrosis which helps combat excessive sweating.
Oh, it sounds just perfect.